Roberta Alessandri Models


9 March
6 April
4 May
1 June
27 July
17 August
15 September
19 October

2 - 4pm
GIRLs Name & Surname*
PARENTs Name & Surname*
PARENT's Cellphone no.*
PARENT's Email*
GIRL's Age*
GIRL's School*
GIRL's Grade*
To complete your enrolment to the The Model Workshop @ Edgars Gateway, please make an EFT payment of R400 for the first month to: Roberta Alessandri Events, FNB Cheque acc 62458661678, Branch 221126, Send proof of payment with your Name & Surname to I look forward to having you on The Model Workshop @ Edgars Gateway! Regards Roberta
Security Code* What is 4 plus 3